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Writer's pictureJenn

When they see the worst in you

Subject: The Transformative Power of Your Perspective

Have you ever found yourself trapped in toxic cycles with your spouse, both seeing the worst in one another and acting in ways that reinforce those negative projections? Maybe you view them as controlling, so you withdraw and shut them out to preserve your autonomy. And in turn, they see you as untrustworthy or domineering.

It's an unstable, self-perpetuating dynamic fueled by distorted assumptions on both sides. Yet despite how draining and disconnecting it feels, we often remain stuck - each waiting for the other's behavior to change before we're willing to adjust our lens.

But there's a surprising, courageous shift that can break this stalemate once and for all: Change your negative perception of your spouse first...before they've "earned" a new view from you.

While it may sound counterintuitive, this inside-out approach is incredibly powerful. You see, human beings have a tendency to rise or fall in alignment with the stories and expectations projected onto them from their loved ones.

So when you consciously upgrade the narrative you've been telling about your partner's personality or character, you shape an energetic container that actually makes it easier for them to occupy that elevated space.

For example, if you've been viewing your spouse as incapable of handling difficult emotions and making wise decisions, it's likely you've been withholding authenticity to "protect" them. This controlling behavior then reinforces their perception of you as domineering or untrustworthy, creating pushback.

But what happens when you shift to assume they are strong, caring, and emotionally competent? Suddenly you find yourself feeling safe to include them openly in your internal world without filtering. You stop trying to force solutions, allowing collaboration instead. And remarkably, that spirit of partnership and honesty seems to evoke responsibility and wisdom from them in kind.

This transformative lens upgrade ripples out into every aspect of how you relate. Conflicts become opportunities for mutual growth through vulnerability, not power struggles to be "won." You stop grating against one another's rough edges and start having each other's backs.

Your spouse isn't the only one impacted here either. By changing your perception to see THEIR highest self, you're symbolically reintroducing yourself to YOUR own aspirational identity as well. The negative cycles of anxiety, criticism and control can't survive in an environment where both individuals feel seen, admired and supported at their highest level.

So if your marriage has been suffering under the weight of inaccurate stories and unfair projections, don't wait for your partner to take the first step. Show up today with a new empowering vision of who you REALLY are to one another, and watch just how readily you both rise to inhabit that sacred, loving space between you.

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